
Publications / Journal Article

Strain engineering of the silicon-vacancy center in diamond

Meesala, Srujan; Sohn, Young I.; Pingault, Benjamin; Shao, Linbo; Atikian, Haig A.; Holzgrafe, Jeffrey; Gündoǧan, Mustafa; Stavrakas, Camille; Sipahigil, Alp; Chia, Cleaven; Evans, Ruffin; Burek, Michael J.; Zhang, Mian; Wu, Lue; Pacheco, Jose L.; Abraham, John; Bielejec, Edward S.; Lukin, Mikhail D.; Atatüre, Mete; Lončar, Marko

We control the electronic structure of the silicon-vacancy (SiV) color-center in diamond by changing its static strain environment with a nano-electro-mechanical system. This allows deterministic and local tuning of SiV optical and spin transition frequencies over a wide range, an essential step towards multiqubit networks. In the process, we infer the strain Hamiltonian of the SiV revealing large strain susceptibilities of order 1 PHz/strain for the electronic orbital states. We identify regimes where the spin-orbit interaction results in a large strain susceptibility of order 100 THz/strain for spin transitions, and propose an experiment where the SiV spin is strongly coupled to a nanomechanical resonator.