
Publications / Conference Poster

Spectral Clustering for Customer Phase Identification Using AMI Voltage Timeseries

Blakely, Logan; Reno, Matthew J.; Feng, Wu C.

Smart grid technologies and wide-spread installation of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) equipment present new opportunities for the use of machine learning algorithms paired with big data to improve distribution system models. Accurate models are critical in the continuing integration of distributed energy resources (DER) into the power grid, however the low-voltage models often contain significant errors. This paper proposes a novel spectral clustering approach for validating and correcting customer electrical phase labels in existing utility models using the voltage timeseries produced by AMI equipment. Spectral clustering is used in conjunction with a sliding window ensemble to improve the accuracy and scalability of the algorithm for large datasets. The proposed algorithm is tested using real data to validate or correct over 99% of customer phase labels within the primary feeder under consideration. This is over a 94% reduction in error given the 9% of customers predicted to have incorrect phase labels.