
Publications / SAND Report

Single Photon Detection with On-Chip Number Resolving Capability

Chatterjee, Eric N.; Davids, Paul D.; Nenoff, T.M.; Pan, Wei P.; Rademacher, David R.; Soh, Daniel B.

Single photon detection (SPD) plays an important role in many forefront areas of fundamental science and advanced engineering applications. In recent years, rapid developments in superconducting quantum computation, quantum key distribution, and quantum sensing call for SPD in the microwave frequency range. We have explored in this LDRD project a new approach to SPD in an effort to provide deterministic photon-number-resolving capability by using topological Josephson junction structures. In this SAND report, we will present results from our experimental studies of microwave response and theoretical simulations of microwave photon number resolving detector in topological Dirac semimetal Cd3As2. These results are promising for SPD at the microwave frequencies using topological quantum materials.