
Publications / Journal Article

Security-Constrained Unit Commitment with Linearized AC Optimal Power Flow

Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Silva-Monroy, Cesar A.; Castillo, Anya C.; Laird, Carl L.; O'Neill, Richard O.

We propose a mathematical programming-based approach to optimize the security-constrained unit commitment problem with a full AC transmission network representation. Our approach is based on our previously introduced successive linear programming (SLP) approach to solving the non-linear, nonconvex AC optimal power flow (ACOPF) problem. By linearizing the ACOPF, we are able to leverage powerful commercial mixed-integer solvers to iteratively optimize the combined unit commitment plus ACOPF model. We demonstrate our approach on six-bus, IEEE RTS-96, and IEEE 118-bus test systems. We perform a comparative analysis of the relative impacts of singlebus, DC, and AC transmission network models on the unit commitment and dispatch solutions and their associated costs.