
Publications / SAND Report

Seascape Interface Control Document (V. 2)

Moore, Emily R.; Pitts, Todd A.; Marchetto, William M.; Qiu, Henry Q.; Ross, Leon C.; Danford, Forest L.; Pitts, Christopher W.

This paper serves as the Interface Control Document (ICD) for the Seascape automated test harness developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The primary purposes of the Seascape system are: (1) provide a place for accruing large, curated, labeled data sets useful for developing and evaluating detection and classification algorithms (including, but not limited to, supervised machine learning applications) (2) provide an automated structure for specifying, running and generating reports on algorithm performance. Seascape uses GitLab, Nexus, Solr, and Banana, open source codes, together with code written in the Python language, to automatically provision and configure computational nodes, queue up jobs to accomplish algorithms test runs against the stored data sets, gather the results and generate reports which are then stored in the Nexus artifact server.