
Publications / Conference

Science-based material modeling activities at Sandia National Laboratories/California : an overview

Chen, Er-Ping C.

The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of the science-based materials modeling activities at Sandia National Laboratories, California. The main mission driver for the work is the development of predictive modeling and simulation capabilities leveraging high performance computing software and hardware. Presentation will highlight research accomplishments in several specific topics of current interest. Sandia/California has been engaged in the development of high performance computing based predictive modeling and simulation capabilities in support of the Science-Based Stockpile Stewardship Program of the U. S. Department of Energy. Of particular interest is the development of constitutive models that can efficiently and accurately predict post-failure material response and load-redistribution in systems and components. Fracture and failure are inherently multi-scale and our philosophy is to include required physics in our models at all appropriate scales. We approach the problems from the continuum point of view and intend to provide continuum models that include dominant subscale mechanisms. Moreover, numerical algorithms are needed to allow implementation of physical models in high performance computing codes such that large-scale modeling and simulation can be conducted. Other drivers of our effort include the emerging application of micro- and nano-systems and the increasing interest in biotechnology. In this presentation, our research in fracture and failure modeling, atomic-continuum coupling code development, microstructure-material properties relationships exploration, and general continuum theories advancement will be presented. Where appropriate, examples will be given to demonstrate the utility of the models.