
Publications / SAND Report

SCEPTRE 2.2 Quick Start Guide

Drumm, Clifton R.; Pautz, Shawn D.; Bruss, Donald E.; Fan, Wesley C.

This report provides a summary of notes for building and running the Sandia Computational Engine for Particle Transport for Radiation Effects (SCEPTRE) code. SCEPTRE is a general- purpose C++ code for solving the li near Boltzmann transport equation in serial or parallel using unstructured spatial finite elements, multigroup energy treatment, and a variety of angular treatments including discrete ordinates and spherical harmonics. Either the first-order form of the Boltzmann equation or one of the second-order forms may be solved. SCEPTRE requires a small number of open-source Third Part y Libraries (TPL) to be available, and example scripts for building these TPLs are provided. The TPLs needed by SCEPTRE are Trilinos, boost, and netcdf. SCEPTRE uses an autotools build system , and a sample configure script is provided. Running the SCEPTRE code requires that the user provide a spatial finite-elements mesh in Exodus format and a cross section library in a format that will be described. SCEPTRE uses an xml-based input, and several examples will be provided.