
Publications / Journal Article

Sb-induced strain fluctuations in a strained layer superlattice of InAs/InAsSb

Kim, Honggyu; Meng, Yifei; Klem, John F.; Hawkins, Samuel D.; Kim, Jin K.; Zuo, Jian M.

We show that Sb substitution for As in a MBE grown InAs/InAsSb strained layer superlattice (SLS) is accompanied by significant strain fluctuations. The SLS was observed using scanning transmission electron microscopy along the [100] zone axis where the cation and anion atomic columns are separately resolved. Strain analysis based on atomic column positions reveals asymmetrical transitions in the strain profile across the SLS interfaces. The averaged strain profile is quantitatively fitted to the segregation model, which yields a distribution of Sb in agreement with the scanning tunneling microscopy result. The subtraction of the calculated strain reveals an increase in strain fluctuations with the Sb concentration, as well as isolated regions with large strain deviations extending spatially over ∼1 nm, which suggest the presence of point defects.