
Publications / SAND Report

RF/Microwave properties and applications of directly assembled nanotubes and nanowires: LDRD project 102662 final report

Lee, Mark L.; Shaner, Eric A.; Highstrete, Clark H.; Talin, A.A.; Jones, Frank E.

LDRD Project 102662 provided support to pursue experiments aimed at measuring the basic electrodynamic response and possible applications of carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires at radiofrequency to microwave frequencies, approximately 0.01 to 50 GHz. Under this project, a method was developed to integrate these nanomaterials onto high-frequency compatible co-planar waveguides. The complex reflection and transmission coefficients of the nanomaterials was studied as a function of frequency. From these data, the high-frequency loss characteristics of the nanomaterials were deduced. These data are useful to predict frequency dependence and power dissipation characteristics in new rf/microwave devices incorporating new nanomaterials.