Reverberation Chamber Characterization
Salazar, Robert S.; Daily, Megan D.; Halligan, Matthew H.; Rudys, Joseph M.; Horry, Michael L.
In this study, we characterized and quantified the behavior of Sandia National Laboratories' electromagnetic reverberation chamber owned by department 1353. The primary purpose of the chamber is to measure the response of a test object to electromagnetic stimuli. The primary chamber application is qualification of nuclear weapons systems and components for the nuclear weapon qualification programs. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) requires a comprehensive understanding of any measurement used to qualify a nuclear weapon. Understanding includes the accuracy of every measurement used to qualify the weapon. Knowing the uncertainty of any measurement gives the information needed to estimate boundaries and tolerances of the measurement. By proper application of these measurement tolerances, weapon qualification programs can comply with uncertainty requirements. This document reports our findings. Weapons Systems Engineering Assessment Technology (WSEAT) commissioned this effort to provide support to Nuclear Weapons qualification in accordance with Realize Product Sub System (RPSS). Motivation for this effort stems from four qualification programs: B61 LEP, W88 ALT370, W80-4 LEP, and the Mk21 fuze program.