
Publications / Conference Presenation

Response of Integrated Silicon Microwave pin Diodes to X-ray and Fast-Neutron Irradiation

Teng, Jeffrey W.; Nergui, D.N.; Parameswaran, H.P.; SepĂșlveda-Ramos, N.E.; Tzintzarov, G.N.; Mensah, Y.M.; Cheon, C.D.; Rao, S.P.; Ringel, B.R.; Gorchichko, M.G.; Li, K.L.; Ying, H.Y.; Ildefonso, A.I.; Dodds, Nathaniel A.; Nowlin, Robert N.; Zhang, E.Z.; Fleetwood, D.M.; Cressler, J.D.

Abstract not provided.