
Publications / Journal Article

Resonant-phonon-assisted THz quantum cascade lasers with metal-metal waveguides

Reno, J.L.

We report our development of terahertz (THz) quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) based on two novel features. First, the depopulation of the lower radiative level is achieved through resonant longitudinal optical (LO-)phonon scattering. This depopulation mechanism is robust at high temperatures and high injection levels. In contrast to infrared QCLs that also use LO-phonon scattering for depopulation, in our THz lasers the selectivity of the depopulation scattering is achieved through a combination of resonant tunneling and LO-phonon scattering, hence the term resonant phonon. This resonant-phonon scheme allows a highly selective depopulation of the lower radiative level with a sub-picosecond lifetime, while maintaining a relatively long upper level lifetime (>5 ps) that is due to upper-to-ground-state scattering. The second feature of our lasers is that mode confinement is achieved by using a novel double-sided metal-metal waveguide, which yields an essentially unity mode confinement factor and therefore a low total cavity loss at THz frequencies. Based on these two unique features, we have achieved some record performance, including, but not limited to, the highest pulsed operating temperature of 137 K, the highest continuous-wave operating temperature of 97 K, and the longest wavelength of 141 {micro}m (corresponding to 2.1 THz) without the assistance of a magnetic field.