
Publications / Conference Poster

Recent analysis and capability enhancements to the ADAPT dynamic event tree driver

Jankovsky, Zachary; Denman, Matthew R.; Aldemir, Tunc

Dynamic probabilistic risk assessment (DPRA) methodologies and the dynamic event tree (DET) methodology specifically allow traditional PRA to be complemented by insights into time-dependent behavior. The ADAPT DET driver has been enhanced recently to provide greater capability to generate DETs and analyze results. The functions that ADAPT uses to gather and present output data have been standardized and enhanced with the goal of automating as much of the process as feasible while remaining simulator and technology agnostic. These individual enhancements come together to reduce the burden on the analyst and allow insights to be discovered more quickly. A recent goal has been the use of ADAPT on high performance computing (HPC) platforms. The number and granularity of treatment of uncertain parameters in a DET may lead to a state space explosion unless DETs are truncated (e.g., using a probability threshold) which may make the complete DET to be infeasible to run on local machines or small computer clusters. Progress can be greatly accelerated by using the large capacity of HPCs. A scheme is presented by which ADAPT gains the capability to distribute jobs to an HPC and retrieve the results seamlessly alongside other types of computation hosts.