Real-time tracking of articulated human models using a 3D shape-from-silhouette method
Luck, Jason; Small, Daniel E.; Little, Charles Q.
This paper describes a system, which acquires 3D data and tracks an eleven degree of freedom human model in real-time. Using four cameras we create a time-varying volumetric image (a visual hull) of anything moving in the space observed by all four cameras. The sensor is currently operating in a volume of approximately 500,000 voxels (1.5 inch cubes) at a rate of 25 Hz. The system is able to track the upper body dynamics of a human (x,y position of the body, a torso rotation, and four rotations per arm). Both data acquisition and tracking occur on one computer at a rate of 16 Hz. We also developed a calibration procedure, which allows the system to be moved and be recalibrated quickly. Furthermore we display in real-time, either the data overlaid with the joint locations or a human avatar. Lastly our system has been implemented to perform crane gesture recognition.