
Publications / Conference

Range-gated LADAR coherent imaging using parametric up-conversion of IR and NIR light for imaging with a visible-range fast-shuttered intensified digital CCD camera

Yates, George J.; McDonald, Thomas E.; Bliss, David E.; Cameron, Stewart M.; Zutavern, Fred J.; Zagarino, Paul

Research is presented on infrared (IR) and near infrared (NIR) sensitive sensor technologies for use in a high speed shuttered/intensified digital video camera system for range-gated imaging at "eye-safe" wavelengths in the region of 1.5 microns. The study is based upon nonlinear crystals used for second harmonic generation (SHG) in optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) for conversion of NIR and IR laser light to visible range light for detection with generic S-20 photocathodes. The intensifiers are "stripline" geometry 18-mm diameter microchannel plate intensifiers (MCPIIs), designed by Los Alamos National Laboratory and manufactured by Philips Photonics. The MCPIIs are designed for fast optical shuttering with exposures in the 100-200 ps range, and are coupled to a fast readout CCD camera. Conversion efficiency and resolution for the wavelength conversion process are reported. Experimental set-ups for the wavelength shifting and the optical configurations for producing and transporting laser reflectance images are discussed.