
Publications / SAND Report

Quantitative Assessment for Advanced Reactor Radioisotope Screening Utilizing a Heat Pipe Reactor Inventory

Clavier, Kyle C.; Clayton, Daniel J.; Faucett, Christopher F.

This report documents a method for the quantitative identification of radionuclides of potential interest for accident consequence analysis involving advanced nuclear reactors. Based on previous qualitative assessments of radionuclide inventories for advanced reactors coupled with the review of a radiological inventory developed for a heat pipe reactor, a 1 Ci activity airborne release was calculated for 137 radionuclides using the MACCS 4.1 code suite. Several assumptions regarding release conditions were made and discussed herein. The potential release of a heat pipe reactor inventory was also modeled following the same assumptions. Results provide an estimation of the relative EARLY and CHRONC phase dose contribution from advanced reactor radionuclides and are normalized to doses from equivalent releases of I-131 and Cs-137, respectively. Ultimately, a list of 69 radionuclides with EARLY or CHRONC dose contributions at least 1/100th that of I-131 or Cs-137, respectively – 48 of which are currently considered for LWR consequence analyses – was identified of being of potential importance for analyses involving a heat pipe reactor.