
Publications / Journal Article

Quantifying the effect of CO2 gasification on pulverized coal char oxy-fuel combustion

Shaddix, Christopher R.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Haynes, Brian S.

Previous research has provided strong evidence that CO2 and H2O gasification reactions can provide non-negligible contributions to the consumption rates of pulverized coal (pc) char during combustion, particularly in oxy-fuel environments. Fully quantifying the contribution of these gasification reactions has proven to be difficult, due to the dearth of knowledge of gasification rates at the elevated particle temperatures associated with typical pc char combustion processes, as well as the complex interaction of oxidation and gasification reactions. Gasification reactions tend to become more important at higher char particle temperatures (because of their high activation energy) and they tend to reduce pc oxidation due to their endothermicity (i.e. cooling effect). The work reported here attempts to quantify the influence of the gasification reaction of CO2 in a rigorous manner by combining experimental measurements of the particle temperatures and consumption rates of size-classified pc char particles in tailored oxy-fuel environments with simulations from a detailed reacting porous particle model. The results demonstrate that a specific gasification reaction rate relative to the oxidation rate (within an accuracy of approximately +/- 20% of the pre-exponential value), is consistent with the experimentally measured char particle temperatures and burnout rates in oxy-fuel combustion environments. Conversely, the results also show, in agreement with past calculations, that it is extremely difficult to construct a set of kinetics that does not substantially overpredict particle temperature increase in strongly oxygen-enriched N2 environments. This latter result is believed to result from deficiencies in standard oxidation mechanisms that fail to account for falloff in char oxidation rates at high temperatures.