
Publications / SAND Report

Proposed Testing to Assess the Accuracy of Glass-To-Metal Seal Stress Analyses

Chambers, Robert S.; Emery, John M.; Tandon, Rajan T.; Antoun, Bonnie R.; Stavig, Mark E.; Newton, Clay S.; Gibson, Cory S.; Bencoe, Denise N.

The material characterization tests conducted on 304L VAR stainless steel and Schott 8061 glass have provided higher fidelity data for calibration of material models used in Glass - T o - Metal (GTM) seal analyses. Specifically, a Thermo - Multi - Linear Elastic Plastic ( thermo - MLEP) material model has be en defined for S S304L and the Simplified Potential Energy Clock nonlinear visc oelastic model has been calibrated for the S8061 glass. To assess the accuracy of finite element stress analyses of GTM seals, a suite of tests are proposed to provide data for comparison to mo del predictions.