
Publications / SAND Report

Preliminary Implementation of Two-Dimensional Cartesian Solver in CTF-R

Bullerwell, Lance B.; Porter, N.W.; Mousseau, Vincent A.

Sub-channel codes are one of the the modeling and simulation tools used for thermal-hydraulic analysis of nuclear reactors. A few examples of such sub-channel codes are the COolant Boiling in Rod Arrays (COBRA) family of codes. The approximations that are used to simplify the fluid conservation equations into sub-channel form, mainly that of axially-dominated flow, lead to noticeable limitations on sub-channels solvers for problems with significant flow in lateral directions. In this report, a two-dimensional Cartesian solver is developed and implemented within CTF-R, which is the residual solver in the North Carolina State University version of COBRA-TF (CTF). The new solver will enable CTF to simulate flow that is not axially-dominated. The appropriate Cartesian forms of the conservation equations are derived and implemented in the solver. Once the conservation equations are established, the process of constructing the matrix system was altered to solve a two-dimensional staggered grid system. A simple case was used to test that the two-dimensional Cartesian solver is accurate. The test problem does not include any source terms or flow in the lateral direction. The results show that the solver was able to run the simple case and converge to a steady-state solution. Future work will focus on testing existing capabilities by using test cases that include transients and equation cross-terms. Future work will also include adding additional capabilities such as enabling the solver to include cases with source terms and three dimensional cases.