
Publications / Presentation

Predictive Modeling of MIU3-MIU2 Interference Tests

Mckenna, Sean A.; Roberts, Randall M.

The goal of this project is to predict the drawdown that will be observed in specific piezometers placed in the MIU-2 borehole due to pumping at a single location in the MIU-3 borehole. These predictions will be in the form of distributions obtained through multiple forward runs of a well-test model. Specifically, two distributions will be created for each pumping location--piezometer location pair: (1) the distribution of the times to 1.0 meter of drawdown and (2) the distribution of the drawdown predicted after 12 days of pumping at a discharge rates of 25, 50, 75 and 100 l/hr. Each of the steps in the pumping rate lasts for 3 days (259,200 seconds). This report is based on results that were presented at the Tono Geoscience Center on January 27th, 2000, which was approximately one week prior to the beginning of the interference tests. Hydraulic conductivity (K), specific storage (S{sub s}) and the length of the pathway (L{sub p}) are the input parameters to the well-test analysis model. Specific values of these input parameters are uncertain. This parameter uncertainty is accounted for in the modeling by drawing individual parameter values from distributions defined for each input parameter. For the initial set of runs, the fracture system is assumed to behave as an infinite, homogeneous, isotropic aquifer. These assumptions correspond to conceptualizing the aquifer as having Theis behavior and producing radial flow to the pumping well. A second conceptual model is also used in the drawdown calculations. This conceptual model considers that the fracture system may cause groundwater to move to the pumping well in a more linear (non-radial) manner. The effects of this conceptual model on the drawdown values are examined by casting the flow dimension (F{sub d}) of the fracture pathways as an uncertain variable between 1.0 (purely linear flow) and 2.0 (completely radial flow).