
Publications / SAND Report

Preclosure Risk Assessment for Deep Borehole Disposal

Hardin, Ernest H.

This report presents a preclosure radiological safety assessment for deep borehole disposal (DBD) of nuclear wastes. The primary purpose of the safety assessment is to identify risk factors for disposal operations, to aid in design for an engineering demonstration of technology for DBD. The assessment is based on a conceptual design for disposal packages and borehole systems that was developed previously. It considers operational steps that could be used for actual DBD, with internal and external initiating off-normal events, to develop insights that can be applied to an engineering demonstration that would be performed without using any form of nuclear waste. This research was performed as part of the deep borehole field test (DBFT). Based on revised U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) priorities in mid-2017, the DBFT and other research related to a DBD option was discontinued; ongoing work and documentation were closed out by the end of fiscal year (FY) 2017. This report was initiated as part of the DBFT and documented as an incomplete draft at the end of FY 2017. The report was finalized by Sandia National Laboratories in FY2018 without DOE funding, subsequent to the termination of the DBFT, and published in FY2019. iii