
Publications / Conference Poster

Potential revenue from electrical energy storage in ERCOT: The impact of location and recent trends

Byrne, Raymond H.; Silva-Monroy, Cesar A.

This paper outlines the calculations required to estimate the maximum potential revenue from participation in arbitrage and regulation in day-ahead markets using linear programming. Then, we use historical Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) data from 2011-2013 to evaluate the maximum potential revenue from a hypothetical 32 MWh, 8 MW system. We investigate the maximum potential revenue from two different scenarios: arbitrage only and arbitrage combined with regulation. This analysis was performed for each load zone over the same period to show the impact of location and to identify trends in the opportunities for energy storage. Our analysis shows that, with perfect foresight, participation in the regulation market would have produced more than twice the revenue compared to arbitrage in the ERCOT market in 2011-2013. Over the last three years, there has been a significant decrease in the potential revenue for an energy storage system. We also quantify the impact of location on potential revenue.