
Publications / Conference

Pixelated resonant subwavelength grating filters for greenhouse gas monitoring

Peters, D.W.; Kemme, S.A.; Cruz-Cabrera, A.A.; Boye, Robert B.; Bustard, Chad A.

We describe the design of pixelated filter arrays for hyperspectral monitoring of CO2 and H2O absorption in the midwave infrared (centered at 4.25μm and 5.15μm, respectively) using resonant subwavelength gratings (RSGs), also called guided-mode resonant filters (GMRFs). For each gas, a hyperspectral filter array of very narrowband filters is designed that spans the absorption band on a single substrate. A pixelated geometry allows for direct registration of filter pixels to focal plane array (FPA) sensor pixels and for non-scanning data collection. The design process for narrowband, low-sideband reflective and transmissive filters within fabrication limitations will be discussed.