
Publications / SAND Report

Pileup Calculations for GADRAS

Mitchell, Dean J.; Enghauser, Michael E.; Thoreson, Gregory G.

This report describes how random pileup calculaitons are performed by the Gamma Detector Response and Analysis Software (GADRAS) Version 19.1. The computational approach and examples are presented for gamma-ray detectors with and without pileup rejectors. This pileup algorithm executes more quickly and the results are more accurate than previous versions of GADRAS. The detector response function can be refined to characterize distortions in peak shapes that occur at high-count rates. The empirical refinement can also be applied to describe the response of partially-effective pileup rejectors. Implications are discussed for the analysis of both static measurements and dynamic collections of the type acquired with radiation portals. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) office.