
Publications / Conference Poster

Phenomenological versus random data augmentation for hyperspectral target detection

Zollweg, Joshua D.; LaCasse, Charles F.; Smith, Braden J.

In this effort, random noise data augmentation is compared to phenomenologically-inspired data augmentation for a target detection task, evaluated on the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) model "MegaScene" simulated hyperspectral dataset. Random data augmentation is commonly used in the machine learning literature to improve model generalization. While random perturbations of an input may work well in certain fields such as image classification, they can be unhelpful in other applications such as hyperspectral target detection. For instance, random noise augmentation may not be beneficial when the applied noise distribution does not match underlying physical signal processes or sensor noise. In the context of a low-noise sensor, augmentation mimicking material mixing and other practical spectral modulations is likely to be more effective when used to train a target detector. It is therefore important to utilize a data augmentation strategy that emulates the natural variability in observed spectra. To validate this claim, a small fully connected neural network architecture is trained using an ideal hemispheric reflectance materials dataset as a trivial baseline. That dataset is then augmented using Gaussian random noise and the model is retrained and again applied to MegaScene. Finally, augmentation is instead performed using phenomenological insight and used to retrain and reevaluate the model. In this work, the phenomenological augmentation implements only simple and commonly encountered spectral permutations, namely linear mixing and shadowing. Comparison is made between the augmented models and the baseline model in terms of low constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance.