
Publications / SAND Report

Performance testing of HITOP polymer hydrogen getter materials in a carbon dioxide atmosphere

Nissen, April E.; Buffleben, George M.; Shepodd, Timothy J.

Legacy plutonium-bearing materials are stored in shipping containers at the Savannah River Site (SRS) until their final disposition can be determined. This material has been stabilized and is maintained per the DOE’s standard for long-term storage of Pu-containing materials, DOE-STD-3013. As a part of its ongoing storage mission, Washington Savannah River Company’s (WSRC) Nuclear Materials Management (NMM) organization is tasked with a surveillance program that will ensure these materials have remained in their expected condition over the several years of storage. Information from this program will be used by multiple entities to further validate the safe storage of Pu-bearing materials per DOE-STD-3013. Part of the program entails cutting open selected 3013 containers and sampling the materials inside. These samples will then be analyzed by Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). The remaining material not used for samples will then be repackaged in non-3013 containers to be placed back into shipping packages for storage until disposition at SRS. These repackaged materials will be stored per the requirements of DOE’s Criteria for Interim Safe Storage of Plutonium Bearing Materials (ISSC).