
Publications / Conference Poster

Performance of a tiled array compressive sensing spectrometer

Shields, Eric A.

A Compressive Sensing Snapshot Imaging Spectrometer (CSSIS) and its performance are described. The number of spectral bins recorded in a traditional tiled array spectrometer is limited to the number of filters. By properly designing the filters and leveraging compressive sensing techniques, more spectral bins can be reconstructed. Simulation results indicate that closely-spaced spectral sources that are not resolved with a traditional spectrometer can be resolved with the CSSIS. The nature of the filters used in the CSSIS enable higher signal-to-noise ratios in measured signals. The filters are spectrally broad relative to narrow-line filters used in traditional systems, and hence more light reaches the imaging sensor. This enables the CSSIS to outperform a traditional system in a classification task in the presence of noise. Simulation results on classifying in the compressive domain are shown. This obviates the need for the computationally-intensive spectral reconstruction algorithm.