
Publications / Journal Article

Performance evaluation of a Terry GS-2 steam impulse turbine with air-water mixtures

Vandervort, Joshua; Lukasik, Gavin; Ayyildiz, Burak; Solom, Matthew A.; Delgado, Adolfo; Kirkland, Karen V.; Patil, Abhay

Terry steam turbines are widely used in various industries because of their robust design. Within the nuclear power generation industry, they are used in the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System to remove decay heat during reactor isolation events. During the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station disaster in Japan in 2011, the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System and associated Terry turbine operated for over 70 hours in Unit 2; this runtime is well beyond the expected operating duration. Theories suggest the turbine was subjected to a two-phase inlet flow, which could degrade the turbine performance. In this work, an experimental test rig was constructed to test a full-scale Terry model GS-2 steam turbine under two-phase air/water flows. Steady-state efficiency and torque performance maps of the turbine were developed over a range of turbine inlet pressures (1.38–4.83 bar or 20–70 psia), air mass fractions (0.05–1.0) and rotational speeds up to 4000 RPM. Turbine performance followed expected trends with torque varying linearly and efficiency varying quadratically with rotational speed. In addition, high-speed images of the two-phase flow entering the turbine were also analyzed to understand how changes in inlet pressure and air mass fraction affect the flow regime and homogenization. The present tests with air–water two-phase mixtures are an important step towards providing an understanding of the full-scale Terry turbine's behavior and performance curves under two-phase conditions. The results of this work will be combined with air/water and steam/water data gathered using a small-scale Terry ZS-1 steam turbine in order to understand the scaling relationship between large and small size Terry turbines and fluid pairs. The combined data set will enable further development of analytical models over a wide range of conditions and may be used to provide technical justification for expanded use of the Terry turbines in nuclear power plant safety systems and other systems.