
Publications / SAND Report

Partitioning of Ionization and Displacement Kerma in Material Response Functions

Hehr, Brian D.

Calculations of total dose (relatable to heating) and ionizing dose (relatable to electron - hole pair formation) typically rely u pon material kerma response functions and an assumption of charged particle equilibrium . Traditionally, kerma functions designed for use wit h the Sandia ASC NuGET code were created via the HEATR module of the NJOY code system, in which a simplifying monoatomic assumption in made. The purpose of this study is to relax that approximation through the use of binary collision simulation techniques , which can take into account the co - existence of multiple elements in a material. Specifically, the total, ionization, and displacement components of kerma are evaluated in silicon, gallium arsenide, gallium nitride, and i ndium phosphide using the TRIM and MARLOWE codes , and are compared against the equivalent NJOY - based functions . Based on the results, a binary collision - based method ology is proposed for extracting the partial kerma components of high - importance materials.