
Publications / SAND Report

Optimization of Zero Emission Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ferry Design With Comparisons to the SF-BREEZE

Pratt, Joseph W.; Klebanoff, Leonard E.

Zero emission hydrogen fuel cell technology has the potential to drastically reduce total "well - to - waves" maritime emissions. Through realistic design studies of five commercially - relevant passenger vessels, this study examines the most cost - effective ent ry points in the US fleet for deploying today' s available technology, and includes analysis of resulting well - to - waves emission profiles. The results show that per - passenger mile vessel energy use is directly correlated to increased emissions, capital cos ts, and operating costs. As a consequence, low speed, large capacity vessels offer a cost - effective starting place today. Increases in vessel efficiency through such measures as hull design and light - weighting can have large impacts in reducing cost and emissions of these systems. Overall this work showed all five vessel types to be feasible with today's hydrogen fuel cell technology and presents more options to fleets that are committed to reducing maritime emissions in cost effective ways.