
Publications / Journal Article

Optical patterning of photosensitive thin film silica mesophases

Brinker, C.J.; Brinker, C.J.

Photosensitive films incorporating molecular photoacid generators compartmentalized within a silica-surfactant mesophase were prepared by an evaporation-induced self-assembly process. UV-exposure promoted localized acid-catalyzed siloxane condensation, enabling selective etching of unexposed regions, thereby serving as a resistless technique to prepare patterned mesoporous silica. The authors also demonstrated an optically-defined mesophase transformation (hexagonal {r_arrow} tetragonal) and patterning of refractive index and wetting behavior. Spatial control of structure and function on the macro- and mesoscales is of interest for sensor arrays, nano-reactors, photonic and fluidic devices, and low dielectric constant films. More importantly, it extends the capabilities of conventional lithography from spatially defining the presence or absence of film to spatial control of film structure and function.