
Publications / Journal Article

Operation and Maintenance Decision Support System for Photovoltaic Systems

Livera, Andreas; Theristis, Marios; Micheli, Leonardo; Fernandez, Eduardo F.; Stein, Joshua S.; Georghiou, George E.

Operation and maintenance (OM) and monitoring strategies are important for safeguarding optimum photovoltaic (PV) performance while also minimizing downtimes due to faults. An OM decision support system (DSS) was developed in this work for providing recommendations of actionable decisions to resolve fault and performance loss events. The proposed DSS operates entirely on raw field measurements and incorporates technical asset and financial management features. Historical measurements from a large-scale PV system installed in Greece were used for the benchmarking procedure. The results demonstrated the financial benefits of performing mitigation actions in case of near zero power production incidents. Stochastic simulations that consider component malfunctions and failures exhibited a net economic gain of approximately 4.17 €/kW/year when performing OM actions. For an electricity price of 59.98 €/MWh, a minimum of 8.4% energy loss per year is required for offsetting the annualized OM cost value of 7.45 €/kW/year calculated by the SunSpec/National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) PV OM Cost Model.