
Publications / Conference Poster

On Multi-Fluid models for spray-resolved les of reacting jets

Doisneau, Francois D.; Arienti, Marco A.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

Numerical simulation of sprays can potentially be used for assessing the performance and variability of engines. But today's simulations only provide average quantities, after calibration. Spray injection can be thought of as a multiscale problem with 4 levels (chamber, mixing layer, drop scale, and nozzle). Because of their complex interactions, increasing predictivity requires simulations to capture more of these scales. To assess the trade-offs in this regard, we perform a review of recent Diesel spray simulations. After highlighting the importance of the mixing layer in driving spray dynamics, we analyze various two-phase flow formalisms and show the potential benefits of a Eulerian spray formulation combined with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to capture a variable-density mixing layer (VDML). We then present a framework and numerical methods to make this description operative and show how it performs on a realistic autoignition case called Spray A.