
Publications / Journal Article

Numerical Uncertainty Estimation for Stochastic Particle-in-Cell Simulations Applied to Verification and Validation

Radtke, Gregg A.

Systematic veri cation and validation (V&V) is necessary to establish the credibility for high consequence simulations. In this paper, we focus on a radiation-induced plasma experimental validation exercise for simulations which uses both numerical error estimation and input parameter uncertainty quanti cation to provide a direct comparison between Particle-In-Cell (PIC) plasma simulations and experiments. This approach demonstrates how careful validation can uncover missing physics in the simulation. Three di erent validation examples are shown; a vacuum space charge limited cavity, a gas lled space charge limited cavity, and a vacuum non space charge limited cavity. Two of the example are picked to show the importance of error estimation in uncovering inaccuracy/incomplete simulation models. We also report on a newly-developed numerical error estimation approach, StREEQ, which is a notable improvement to past approaches. In the StREEQ approach, a multi- tting scheme based on L1, L2, and L$\infty$ error norms and alternate weightings is used to propagate uncertainties in the relative importance of outliers and coarse/re ned discretization levels. Bootstrap sampling is used to represent the stochasticity in the response data. The resulting method appears to robustly and conservatively predict the fully-converged response within estimated numerical error bounds for stochastic simulations. The StREEQ approach is demonstrated on two related prototype electron diode problems, and preliminary results are reported for a radiation-induced plasma simulation.