
Publications / SAND Report

Next Generation Qualification: Nanometrics Centaur Digitizer Evaluation

Slad, George W.; Merchant, Bion J.

Sandia National Laboratories has tested and evaluated a new digitizer, the Centaur , manufactured by Nanometrics . These digitizers are used to record sensor output for seismic and infrasound monitoring applications. The purpose of the digitizer evaluation was to measure the performance characteristics in such areas as power consumption, input impedance, sensitivity, full scale, self - noise, dynamic range, system noise, r esponse, passband, and timing. The Centaur digitizer is Nano metrics ' replacement for their Taurus digitizer and marks Nanometrics first 6 channel, 24 bit resolution system. Other improvements include LED status indicators on the top of the unit, providing basic status of the core systems of a seismic station (e.g. timing, sensor SOH, storage, etc), an optional wifi system allowing password protected access to the unit and a web interface for monitoring and configuration of the unit. The Nanometrics Centaur is being evaluated for potential use U.S. Air Force seismic monitoring systems as part of their Next Generation Qualification effort .