
Publications / SAND Report

New High-Resolution Electron Scattering Capability

Frank, Jonathan H.; Chandler, David W.; Fournier, Martin P.; Jaska, Mark J.

This project explored a new capability for studying collisions of electrons and molecules with unprecedented accuracy by combining high electron-energy resolution with velocity mapped imaging of electrons. Low-energy electrons were produced within a supersonic beam by photoionization of metastable krypton using a dye laser to generate electrons with tunable kinetic energy and a narrow energy spread. A new configuration for electron imaging optics was developed to enable scattering of electrons in a zero-field environment with subsequent rapidly pulsed velocity mapped imaging of the electrons. Development of this new capability will significantly enhance DOE/NNSA's ability to perform basic research on processes relevant to plasmas in atmospheric re-entry and neutron generation for weapons systems and provide fundamental understanding of electron-driven chemistry important to solar energy conversion.