
Publications / Journal Article

Multistage Stabilized Continuation for Indirect Optimal Control of Three-Dimensional Hypersonic Trajectories

Vedanta, Mihir V.; Akella, Maruthi A.; Grant, Michael J.

This work presents the development of a multistaged stabilized continuation for the three-dimensional unpowered hypersonic trajectory planning problem using indirect optimal control methods. The stabilized continuation method is noniterative and guaranteed to terminate within a finite number of floating point operations, thereby making it well suited for onboard autonomous implementations. Here, we present a multistage formulation of the stabilized continuation scheme that involves starting with a “loose” integration tolerance during the first stage and ramping up toward a “strict” integration tolerance through subsequent stages. An important benefit of this approach is that even when the solution to the underlying optimal control problem is numerically unstable, such as with the hypersonic vehicle footprint generation problem, the stabilized continuation algorithm is shown to be successful in finding a solution while providing some additional insights into the underlying cause of the numerical instability.