Multiscale Modeling of Total Ionizing Dose Effects in Commercial-off-the-Shelf Parts in Bipolar Technologies
Privat, A.; Barnaby, H.J.; Adell, P.C.; Tolleson, B.S.; Wang, Y.; Han, X.; Davis, P.; Rax, B.R.; Buchheit, Thomas E.
A multiscale modeling platform that supports the 'virtual' qualification of commercial-off-the-shelf parts is presented. The multiscale approach is divided into two modules. The first module generates information related to the bipolar junction transistor gain degradation that is a function of fabrication process, operational, and environmental inputs. The second uses this information as inputs for radiation-enabled circuit simulations. The prototype platform described in this paper estimates the total ionizing dose and dose rate responses of linear bipolar integrated circuits for different families of components. The simulation and experimental results show good correlation and suggest this platform to be a complementary tool within the radiation-hardness assurance flow. The platform may reduce some of the costly reliance on testing for all systems.