
Publications / SAND Report

Molecule@MOF: A New Class of Opto-electronic Materials

Talin, A.A.; Jones, Reese E.; Spataru, Dan C.; Leonard, Francois L.; He, Yuping H.; Foster, Michael E.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Stavila, Vitalie S.

Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are extended, nanoporous crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions interconnected by organic ligands. Their synthetic versatility suggest a disruptive class of opto - electronic materials with a high degree of electrical tunability and without the property - degrading disorder of organic conductors. In this project we determined the factors controlling charge and energy transport in MOFs and evaluated their potential for thermoelectric energy conversion. Two strategies for a chieving electronic conductivity in MOFs were explored: 1) using redox active 'guest' molecules introduced into the pores to dope the framework via charge - transfer coupling (Guest@MOF), 2) metal organic graphene analogs (MOGs) with dispersive band structur es arising from strong electronic overlap between the MOG metal ions and its coordinating linker groups. Inkjet deposition methods were developed to facilitate integration of the guest@MOF and MOG materials into practical devices.