
Publications / SAND Report

Modeling Radionuclide Releases from TRISO Particles by Simultaneous Diffusion Through and Corrosion of the Silicon Carbide Barrier Layer

Gelbard, Fred G.; Sassani, David C.

TRISO nuclear fuel particles that are less than 1 mm in diameter are designed with multiple barrier layers to retain fission products both during reactor operations and for long-term geological disposal. The primary barrier is a 35 lam thick silicon carbide (SiC-a highly impermeable semi-metal) layer for which data are available on the diffusion of short-lived fission products at high temperatures (> 1000 degC). However, for a geological repository, this layer may contact brine and hence corrode even at ambient temperatures. As an initial approach to assess the effectiveness of the SiC barrier for geological repositories, ranges of fission product diffusivities and corrosion rates for SiC are modeled concurrently with the simultaneous effect of radioactive decay. Using measured corrosion rates of SiC, if the diffusivity is more than about 10 -20 m 2 /s, fission product releases may occur before the SiC barrier has corroded to the point of breach. For diffusivities less than about 10 -21 m 2 /s there may not be significant diffusional releases prior to SiC barrier removal/breach by corrosion. This work shows the importance of estimating diffusivities in SiC at geological repository temperatures, and highlights the relevance of evaluating the porosity/permeability evolution of the SiC layer in a geologic environment.