
Publications / Conference

Modeling fast-transient defect evolution and carrier recombination in pulse-neutron-irradiated Si devices

Myers, S.M.; Wampler, W.R.; Cooper, P.J.; King, Donald B.

This work explores the feasibility of mechanistically modeling the transient behavior of defects and carriers in bipolar Si devices exposed to pulses of MeV neutrons. Our approach entails a detailed, finite-element treatment of the diffusion, field-drift, and reactions of well-established primal defects and reacted states, taking into account the localization of displacement damage within secondary cascades. The modeling captures a variety of the properties of pulse-neutron-irradiated transistors observed from electrical measurements and deep-level transient spectroscopy, using parameter values consistent with independently available information. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.