
Publications / Conference Poster

Microchannel heat exchanger flow validation study

Lance, Blake L.; Carlson, Matthew D.

Flow maldistribution in microchannel heat exchanger(MCHEs) can negatively impact heat exchanger effectiveness.Several rules of thumb exist about designing for uniform flow,but very little data are published to support these claims. In thiswork, complementary experiments and computational fluiddynamics (CFD) simulations of MCHEs enable a solidunderstanding of flow uniformity to a higher level of detail thanpreviously seen. Experiments provide a validation data source toassess CFD predictive capability. The traditional semi-circularheader geometry is tested. Experiments are carried out in a clearacrylic MCHE and water flow is measured optically with particleimage velocimetry. CFD boundary conditions are matched tothose in the experiment and the outputs, specifically velocity andturbulent kinetic energy profiles, are compared.