
Publications / Conference

MELCOR fission product release model for HTGRs

Young, Michael F.; Esmaili, Hossein; Gauntt, Randall O.; Basu, Sudhamay; Lee, Richard; Rubin, Stuart

A fission product release and transport model for High Temperature Gas cooled Reactors (HTGRs) is being developed for the MELCOR code. HTGRs use fuel in the form of TRISO coated fuel particles embedded in a graphitized matrix. The HTGR fission product model for MELCOR is being developed to calculate the released amounts and distribution offission products during normal operation and during accidents. The fission product release and transport model considers the important phenomena for fission product behavior in HTGRs, including the recoil and release offission products from the fuel kernel, transport through the coating layers, transport through the surrounding fuel matrix, release into circulating helium coolant, settling and plate-out on structural surfaces, adsorption by graphite dust in the primary system, and resuspension. The fraction of failed particles versus time is input by a particle failure fraction response surface of particle failure fraction as a function offuel temperature, and potentially, fuel burn-up. Fission product release from the fuel kernel and transport through the particle coating layers is calculated using diffusion-based release models. The models account for fission product release from uranium contamination in the graphitized matrix, and adsorption of fission products in the reactor system. The dust and its distribution can be determined from either MELCOR calculations of the reactor system during normal operation, or provided by other sources as input. The distribution of fission products is then normalized using the OR1GEN inventory to provide initial conditions for accident calculations. For the initial releases during an accident, the existing MELCOR aerosol transport models, with appropriate modifications, are being explored for calculating dust and fission product transport in the reactor system and in the confinement. For the delayed releases during the accident, which occur over many hours, and even days fission product release is calculated by combining the diffusion-based release rate with the failure fraction response surface input via a convolution integral. The decay of fission products is also included in the modeling.