
Publications / SAND Report

Measuring Saturn's Electron Beam Energy Spectrum using Webb's Wedges

Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Webb, Timothy J.; McCourt, Andrew L.; Coffey, Sean K.

It is very difficult to measure the voltage of the load on the Saturn accelerator. Time-resolved measurements such as vacuum voltmeters and V-dot monitors are impractical at best and completely change the pulsed power behavior at the load at worst. We would like to know the load voltage of the machine so that we could correctly model the radiation transport and tune our x-ray unfold methodology and circuit simulations of the accelerator. Step wedges have been used for decades as a tool to measure the end - point energies of high energy particle beams. Typically, the technique is used for multi-megavolt accelerators, but we have adapted it to Saturn's modest <2 MV end-point energy and modified the standard bremsstrahlung x-ray source to extract the electron beam without changing the physics of the load region. We found clear evidence of high energy electrons >2 MV. We also attempted to unfold an electron energy spectrum using a machine learning algorithm and while these results come with large uncertainties, they qualitatively agree with PIC simulation results.