
Publications / SAND Report

Mass Property Calculator

Corona, Edmundo C.; Fietek, Carter J.

A mass property calculator has been developed to compute the moment of inertia properties of an assemblage of parts that make up a system. The calculator can take input from spreadsheets or Creo mass property files or it can be interfaced with Phoenix Integration Model Center. The input must include the centroidal moments of inertia of each part with respect to its local coordinates, the location of the centroid of each part in the system coordinates and the Euler angles needed to rotate from the part coordinates to the system coordinates. The output includes the system total mass, centroid and mass moment of inertia properties. The input/output capabilities allow the calculator to interface with external optimizers. In addition to describing the calculator, this document serves as its user's manual. The up-to-date version of the calculator can be found in the Git repository