
Publications / Conference

Managing age-related changes in device radiation-response

Horn, Kevin M.

Aging effects in silicon electronics are a concern for systems with prolonged service lives that contain electronics not easily accessible for testing and replacement. Such effects are especially difficult to assess for components that must be exposed to, and function in, transient radiation environments. A methodology has been developed that utilizes electrical parametric and non-destructive laser testing techniques, charge collection microscopy, and controlled-environment storage to permit periodic reassessment of the state of health of such electronics. The use of a scanned, focused laser, charge collection microscopy technique, developed to detect the onset of change and then track these changes in charge collection efficiency with micron resolution, will be described. These results are then used to direct subsequent failure analyses using high-sensitivity, high spatial resolution materials analysis techniques, (such as Time-of-Flight SIMS), in order to identify the underlying material driver of the aging. It will be shown how the results of this methodology are used to create finite-element, charge transport, device models of age-affected devices, and how the time-dependence of the underlying material change is incorporated into the device aging model, so as to predict the future rate, and end-state, of the identified device aging process. Lastly the model is validated using wavelength-dependent charge collection microscopy measurements of the device's response.