
Publications / Conference

Maestro-a model-based systems engineering environment for complex electronic systems

Bajaj, Manas; Scott, Andrew; Deming, Douglas M.; Wickstrom, Gregory L.; De Spain, Mark; Zwemer, Dirk; Peak, Russell

In this paper we present Maestro, a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) environment for design and simulation of complex electronic systems using Orchestra-a simulation tool developed at Sandia National Laboratories. Maestro is deployed as a plugin for MagicDraw and uses Orchestra domain-specific language (DSL) which is based on SysML. Maestro enables a model-based design and analysis approach that replaces the traditional document-based systems engineering process. It provides a unified graphical modeling environment to domain experts who have had to depend on drawing tools for defining system architecture and manual transcription of system topology in creating complex simulation models.