
Publications / Journal Article

Low voltage drop tunnel junctions grown monolithically by MOCVD

Jamal-Eddine, Zane; Hasan, Syed M.N.; Gunning, Brendan P.; Chandrasekar, Hareesh; Crawford, Mary; Armstrong, Andrew; Arafin, Shamsul; Rajan, Siddharth

Tunnel junction devices grown monolithically by metal organic chemical vapor deposition were optimized for minimization of the tunnel junction voltage drop. Two device structures were studied: an all-GaN homojunction tunnel junction and a graded InGaN heterojunction-based tunnel junction. This work reports a record-low voltage drop in the graded-InGaN heterojunction based tunnel junction device structure achieving a de-embedded tunnel junction voltage drop of 0.17 V at 100 A/cm2. The experimental data were compared with a theoretical model developed through technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations that offer a physics-based approach to understanding the key components of the design space, which lead to a more efficient tunnel junction.