
Publications / SAND Report

Long-Term Stability of PVD/Sputtered Au Electrical Contacts to Thermoelectric Bi2Te2 (Re-evaluation of SAND2015-7203)

Sugar, Joshua D.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Sharma, Peter A.; Adams, David L.; Michael, Joseph R.

The fabrication of long-lived electrical contacts to thermoelectric Bi2Te3-based modules is a challenging problem due to chemical incompatibilities and rapid diffusion rates. Previously, technical guidance from SAND report 2015-7203 selected electroplated Au as the preferred method for fabrication of long-lived contacts because of concerns that the grain structure of sputtered/physical vapor deposited (PVD) Au contacts can evolve during aging. We have re-evaluated PVD Au contacts and show that they are appropriate for long-life service. We measure grain size and morphology at different aging times under accelerated temperature gradient conditions, and we show that the PVD Au contacts are stable and remain relatively unchanged. The PVD Au fabricated here is not subject to the deterioration observed in the previous report.