
Publications / Journal Article

Long-Term Experimental Determination of Solubilities of Micro-Crystalline Nd(III) Hydroxide in High Ionic Strength Solutions: Applications to Nuclear Waste Management [A Pitzer Model for Am(III)/Nd(III) hydroxide solubility in NaCl-H2O at 298.15 K to high ionic strengths: Experimental validation and model applications]

Xiong, Yongliang X.; Kirkes, Leslie D.; Marrs, Cassandra M.

In this paper, the experimental results from long-term solubility experiments on micro crystalline neodymium hydroxide, Nd(OH)3(micro cr), in high ionic strength solutions at 298.15 K under well-constrained conditions are presented. The starting material was synthesized according to a well-established method in the literature. In contrast with the previous studies in which hydrogen ion concentrations in experiments were adjusted with addition of either an acid or a base, the hydrogen ion concentrations in our experiments are controlled by the dissolution of Nd(OH)3(micro cr), avoiding the possibility of phase change.